**1/2 Stars
Wait, Click is a drama? From my view, I believe it is. It has the same exact plot as It's a Wonderful Life. Seriously, it's almost the same thing; and while I took that to heart and found it offensive, I admired the film's good intentions.
Sandler plays Workaholic architect Mike Newman. He's an ass to his kid and wife in order to sustain a career. But for any jerk to his kids, there is always a creepy guy with a remote at Bed, Bath, and Beyond to show you a glimpse of your future by using a magical remote. This remote can fast-foward over crappy moments in day, and soon it starts to create its own memory leaving Mike helpless and alone in the future.
In reality, this is a two-star movie. It has nothing new nor inventive and you will be rolling your eyes. But as a Sandler fan, it's nice to see Sandler trying to grow up. Here, he mildly delivers.
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