Sunday, November 18, 2007


Writer/director Michael Moore explores America's health care system in The Weinstein Company's Sicko**** Stars

From general motors, to gun control, to the President of the United States, Michael Moore may be overweight, but his heart and courage is as strong as anyone. In Sicko, he tackles America's health care and how it is destroying the American dream. This film is not about those who don't have health insurance, but those who do, and still suffer when HMO's and hospital bills put families into turmoil. A mother and father have to move in with their child, several mothers lose their babies to disease and accidents, one gets charged for an ambulance bill because she didn't prepay before her car accident, 9/11 rescuers are denied treatment for their injuries on the day they saved lives, and a woman got denied a transplant because she had a yeast infection once in her life. Michael Moore then goes outside the U.S to explore other countries health care systems, which seem to be going much smoother than ours.

I can't really tell you more about the film because it has to be seen to believe. And if you see this film and don't believe that this country has a serious issue, then I have nothing to say to you. Sicko is another Oscar-Worthy selection form Michael Moore.

P.S: You may disagree with Moore's opinions, but no one can make fun of him for paying $12,000 dollars for a medical treatment for the wife of the creator of a Michael Moore hate site. That is how much he believes in this cause.

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