Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Christopher Walken, Rachel McAdams
Directed by:
David Dobkin
***1/2 Stars
When you want to see a funny movie, you can count on these six actors: Vince Vaughn, Will Farell, Owen and Luke Wilson, Ben Stiller, and Jack Black. When either one of these actors team up (minus Envy), they give you a taste and a gift of comedy heaven. That is what Wedding Crashers is, comedy heaven. And it's the funniest movie so far this year.
John Beckwith (Wilson) and Jeremy Grey (Vaughn) are ordinary guys with ordinary jobs. But there's one thing that makes them different, then anyone...they are trained and sophisticated wedding crashers. When wedding season comes along, they go to every wedding they can find, eating all the free food, and scoring all the free chicks. Life really couldn't get any better for John and Jeremy.
When that big wedding of the year shows up, the one that's bigger than all the rest, John and Jeremy must practice all their steps. The wedding happens to be held at the estate of the U.S. secretary of the treasury (I love how it's the legendary Christopher Walken). When they arrive, everything is going great but things get complicated when John does the unthinkable and falls for a bridesmaid named Claire, the Secretary's daughter (the absolutely gorgeous Rachel McAdams). But there is a catch, she's engaged. Still though, John is determined to have her. Things escalate when they are invited back to their cottage for a post wedding party. The dinner scenes are flat out hilarious.
Wilson plays his part great here. He is really funny in a lot of scenes. But his character isn't as funny as Vince Vaughn's. Vaughn is flat out hilarious in every scene. In one scene, Vaughn confesses to a priest that he is aroused by a girl that he slept with at the wedding (the hilarious Isla Fisher). The priest doesn't say one word for the whole scene. All the laughs are coming from Vaughn.
And just when we thought the movie had slowed down, who shows up but the great Will Ferrell. He plays the pioneer of crashing weddings and gives John some advice on crashes. Ferrell was the perfect match.
The movie is just flat out entertaining. It's funny but the movie also has heart. Yea it gets a little romantic near the end. But a little romance never really hurt anyone. The movie is a rare, great date movie.