***1/2 STARS
This is the third and final installment in the Star Wars prequel trilogy - the sixth Star Wars movie overall. Anakin Skywalker's turn to the Dark Side of the Force, the continuing Clone Wars and the final fate of the Old Republic should be revealed. You can get any more anticipation than this little thing called STAR WARS. When the words "a long time ago, in a galaxy far away" came up on the screen, I died a little inside.
We see everyone take his or her fate. Anakin of course becomes Darth Vador, Padme dies and Mace Windu has the power to kill Chancellor Palpatine that could end it all right there. But something happens to him, can you guess what? We see Luke and Leia be born and Obi-Won Canobi take his final showdown with what was once the chosen one. The effects are breathtaking, especially the scene of Anakin vs. Obi-Won where the choreography and visuals are a sight to see. Also we see Yoda and the Chancellor face off into Yoda's biggest fight ever.
Ok guys, it's Star Wars. It's not going to be Oscar worthy acting. It's not about the acting. Though the acting is only tolerable, Revenge of the Sith is about the power of the dark side taking over and the set up for Luke Skywalker's fate. Star Wars: Episode III- Revenge of the Sith is easily better than the first two Star Wars film and is a big contender for the best of them all. It's up there with the 1980's The Empire Strikes Back. It is a film that doesn't hold back to the meaning of the word Darth Vador. This is the moment we've been waiting for fans, and we got what we wished for and I thank you George Lucas from the bottom of my heart.