0 Stars
All right, I know I'm a year late, but damn do I want to trash this movie.
Meet Dave is a landmark film, establishing Eddie Murphy as the lowest of the low when it comes to selling out for money. I except the fact that Meet Dave is targeting that family-friendly demographic, but COME ON Eddie. To be honest, after every pitiful line of dialogue spoke and during each ridiculously morose smile you give in this movie, I thought to myself these two words that define your career to this point: Really? Seriously?
However, before I start bashing this film to the point where you are afraid to see it, let me make one thing abundantly clear. Meet Dave is one of the funniest films I have ever seen and will guarantee its spot as an eventual cult classic.
Not because it's good or anything. This film is so embarrassingly bad that my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. The first 20 minutes of this film is probably the most ridiculously mindbogglingly piece of cinema I have ever seen. If I ever teach a film class one day, Meet Dave will be a very important lesson, one that will consist of three crucial points:
1.) Never promote your film with the tagline EDDIE MURPHY in EDDIE MURPHY in MEET DAVE.
2.) If you ever buy this movie for someone, make sure marijuana is included.
3.) When you become a filmmaker and you think you're movie is shit, just pop in Meet Dave and know that it is only possible to have the second piece-of-shit movie of all time.
Hahahahaha, oh man and for the love of God, this movie is so terrible I can't wait to watch it again. And you know what makes this movie more terrible? Hear this:
Last night I was watching this movie with my girlfriend and roommate. It was approaching midnight, when all of a sudden, we get a knock on the door.
It's the cops.
Apparently one of my too-scared-to-come-down-themselves-and-asked-kindly-to-lower-the-noise-down-neighbors called the cops on us because we were watching Eddie Murphy in Eddie Murphy too loud. This was one of those moments in my life that I will remember forever. Not only do I hate this movie for being terrible, it also made a police officer raid my apartment without permission. When the cop walked in, he looked around and realized that there was nothing going on. Now, I'm pretty sure he saw that we were watching Meet Dave. And he gave us that look that consisted of the two words I used when criticizing the movie: Really? Seriously? After that, the cop walked out and never looked back.
For a second there, I felt like I was Eddie Murphy in Eddie Murphy in Meet Dave.
Meet Dave is a landmark film, establishing Eddie Murphy as the lowest of the low when it comes to selling out for money. I except the fact that Meet Dave is targeting that family-friendly demographic, but COME ON Eddie. To be honest, after every pitiful line of dialogue spoke and during each ridiculously morose smile you give in this movie, I thought to myself these two words that define your career to this point: Really? Seriously?
However, before I start bashing this film to the point where you are afraid to see it, let me make one thing abundantly clear. Meet Dave is one of the funniest films I have ever seen and will guarantee its spot as an eventual cult classic.
Not because it's good or anything. This film is so embarrassingly bad that my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. The first 20 minutes of this film is probably the most ridiculously mindbogglingly piece of cinema I have ever seen. If I ever teach a film class one day, Meet Dave will be a very important lesson, one that will consist of three crucial points:
1.) Never promote your film with the tagline EDDIE MURPHY in EDDIE MURPHY in MEET DAVE.
2.) If you ever buy this movie for someone, make sure marijuana is included.
3.) When you become a filmmaker and you think you're movie is shit, just pop in Meet Dave and know that it is only possible to have the second piece-of-shit movie of all time.
Hahahahaha, oh man and for the love of God, this movie is so terrible I can't wait to watch it again. And you know what makes this movie more terrible? Hear this:
Last night I was watching this movie with my girlfriend and roommate. It was approaching midnight, when all of a sudden, we get a knock on the door.
It's the cops.
Apparently one of my too-scared-to-come-down-themselves-and-asked-kindly-to-lower-the-noise-down-neighbors called the cops on us because we were watching Eddie Murphy in Eddie Murphy too loud. This was one of those moments in my life that I will remember forever. Not only do I hate this movie for being terrible, it also made a police officer raid my apartment without permission. When the cop walked in, he looked around and realized that there was nothing going on. Now, I'm pretty sure he saw that we were watching Meet Dave. And he gave us that look that consisted of the two words I used when criticizing the movie: Really? Seriously? After that, the cop walked out and never looked back.
For a second there, I felt like I was Eddie Murphy in Eddie Murphy in Meet Dave.
1 comment:
0 stars Casey? haha
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