Friday, April 09, 2010

Reviews For Movies In Theaters Now

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Clash of the Titans
** stars

There is nothing about this Clash of the Titans remake that is really necessary. The script is formulaic, the visuals are sub-par, and the 3-D is strictly a gimmick. This is probably stuff you already know, so take it or leave it. If you're a moviegoer in need a summer movie fix, Clash of the Titans is a mild sedative. If you're a moviegoer who cringes at the thought of 3-D, side-effects include a hangover.

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The Runaways
*** stars

About 20 twenty minutes into The Runaways, I kind of had the idea of where the movie was going. This is a by-the-numbers movie about the beginning of a band's formation, their journey to the top, and or course, their inevitable downfall. However, the film demands a sudden urgency thanks to strong performances by Dakota Fanning (portraying Cherie Currie) and Kristen Stewart (Joan Jett), and the absolute scene-stealing Michael Shannon.

The Ghost Writer
**** Stars

Roman Polanski may be involved in a low point in his personal life, but as a filmmaker, the man is still at the top of his game with The Ghost Writer, an intelligently taut and excitingly written political thriller. Ewan McGregor is perfectly cast as the ghost writer who will write the memoirs for former UK Prime Minister Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan). After dominating British politics, Lang has retired with his wife in the United States. The character McGregor portrays has one job, to help him finish his book. Instead, he gets involved with a scandal Lang has been tied to. Eventually, it comes to a point where no one is safe, and the memoir's that involve highly sensitive material gets in the wrong hands. As a movie, The Ghost Writer is chalked full of wildly suspenseful scenes. It goes from a good movie to a great movie in the second half, turning into a powerful movie that is a relevant statement of uncovering secrets in order to do what's right. You can rule out Polanksi the person if you are repulsed by his personal life, but don't rule out Polanski the filmmaker just yet. This is the best film of the year so far.

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Hot Tub Time Machine
*** Stars

As far as farces go, Hot Tub Time Machine ranks close to the top in terms of ridiculousness. As far as comedies ago, it’s not on par with The Hangover, but it’s worthy enough to be considered as the best hot tub movie ever made (whatever that means). In other words, it’s pretty damn funny. I love a movie with a premise that’s really out there, but I hate it when the movie feels they have to explain how the concept works. For example, did anyone really care how Phil Connors relived Groundhog Day over and over? No, it would have ruined the movie. So don’t expect Hot Tube Time Machine to waste it’s time on the scientific exploration of how the four main characters are accidentally sent back to 1986 by a hot tub time machine. Yes, it’s exactly what you’re thinking: the best title for a movie since Snakes on a Plane.

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