Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Blind Side

*** Stars

Did you happen to see the TV spots and movie trailers for the The Blind Side? They're awful; a completely recycled usage of Lifetime Channel original movies. Did you happen to see The Blind Side? It's good; a surprisingly original use of the sports movie genre.

Sandra Bullock gives an uplifting performance as Leigh Anne Tuohy, a white Christian from a white Christian family who decides to take in a homeless African-American named Michael Oher. To put it lightly, Michael has had a rough childhood. Out of the goodness of their heart, Leigh and her family take Michael into their home after they discover him walking home alone from school with no where to go. Once under their house, Michael learns to appreciate the aspects of family, and soon he becomes apart of it. They learn he has a knack for football. He gets good. Very good. Uplifting stuff right?

This is all stuff you already know. People are not going to see The Blind Side for the surprises, but surprisingly, what's good about The Blind Side is just this, the journey itself. Not the destination. The moments Bullock are on screen, the movie holds. Without her, that lifetime channel vibe afloats. An amazing story becomes a good movie. Not great, but I'll take that anyday.


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