Friday, August 21, 2009


***1/2 Stars

Chan-Wook Park's vampire love tale is Bonnie and Clyde meets Let the Right One In. It is a visually stunning picture, with solid performances throughout. The story chronicles the aftermath of a medical experiment that was suppose to turn a man of faith into someone who would be able to cure a deadly virus. Instead, it turns him into a vampire. Now while they may seem a bit too silly for one to believe, remember whose hands this film is in. Chan-Wook Park is a master storyteller, and even though the film drags in some spots, it truly deserves the highest praise I can give for a film I should not have liked. I'm so sick of vampire stories, especially involving romance. I would be completely content if True Blood was cancelled and Twilight was never mention again. I was also one of maybe eight people that didn't like Let the Right One In. But Thirst, boldly able to blend the boundaries of fiction and realism, shows much more craft and devotion than any of the shows/movies I just mentioned. It is a highly entertaining blood-fest, with one of the strongest endings to a movie I have seen all year.

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