Friday, August 28, 2009

The Final Destination 3-D

* Star

I was lied to. Death did not save the best for 3-D. THE Final Destination is simply terrible. Seriously, this whole 3-D thing is starting to annoy me. At first, I accepted it (mainly because of Up), but now I'm sick of it. I have a piece of advice for any studio executive thinking of releasing their next movie in 3-D. How about instead of 3-D, you come up with a good story? That way you save some money, you can release it in more theaters, and your audience will come back for seconds. Like anything else, a gimmick will eventually die out. A good story will not. This throwaway piece of junk doesn't have one line of dialogue that includes any substance. It's literally a group of young, good-looking teenagers and a handful of clueless adults who escape a tragic, yet preposterously silly crash at a race track. The place explodes, but one kid has a premonition before it happens and him and a lucky few escape. Now, they must escape death before it's too late. Yada, yada, yada. You know the drill. The Final Destination is pure formula, a pathetically marketed product with shameless results.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Thanks for sharing your review regarding final destination now i will definitely see the movie...
