Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Number 23

** Stars

Jim Carrey looks like he thought real hard (maybe about 23 times) and decided to finally agree to this choppy and not-as-smart-as-it-thinks-it-is throwaway movie. Carrey (in a mildly solid, yet completely forgettable performance) plays Walter Sparrow who becomes obsessed with a book that appears to be based on his life but ends with a murder that has yet to happen in real life. Screenplay writer Fernley Phillips seems to know wonders of the number 23, but who cares? These connections are completely farfetched.

Ok, so the year is 2007. 2+0+0+7=9. Ok so 14 is my birthdate in the month of September. September is the ninth month. 9+14=23. See, I can do this too.

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