Saturday, June 24, 2006


**1/2 Stars

Adam Sandler has grown up. Sandler, who is pushing forty, is too old to play a cocky punk he once represented. In "Click", he refreshes his image as a more mature man who is ready for some serious roles. And we just saw Adam Sandler in Mike Binder's drama Reign Over Me. He can do dramatic movies.

Wait, Click is a drama? From my view, I believe it is. It has the same exact plot as It's a Wonderful Life. Seriously, it's almost the same thing; and while I took that to heart and found it offensive, I admired the film's good intentions.

Sandler plays Workaholic architect Mike Newman. He's an ass to his kid and wife in order to sustain a career. But for any jerk to his kids, there is always a creepy guy with a remote at Bed, Bath, and Beyond to show you a glimpse of your future by using a magical remote. This remote can fast-foward over crappy moments in day, and soon it starts to create its own memory leaving Mike helpless and alone in the future.

In reality, this is a two-star movie. It has nothing new nor inventive and you will be rolling your eyes. But as a Sandler fan, it's nice to see Sandler trying to grow up. Here, he mildly delivers.

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