Sunday, March 06, 2005


Keanu Reeves - John Constantine
Rachel Weisz - Angelia Dodson/Isabel Dodson
Shia LeBeouf - Chas
Djmon Hounsou - Midnite
Max Baker - Beeman

Directed by:

A Controversial Thriller
*** Stars

John Constantine (Reeves) received to what many believe as a gift when he was born. He was able to send demons that were trying to enter earth back to the wretched fires of hell. He believes that in doing this he will earn a ticket into heaven. But there is one problem, he tried to take someone's life a long time ago...his own.
The movie starts off describing the Spear of Destiny. This sword has a story behind it saying if you have it in your possession you have the power to control the world. It ties into the story of Constantine who meets a young woman Angelia Dodson. Her twin sister seems to have committed suicide but she believes that she was murdered. She goes to ask Constantine questions and he comes to find that something is wrong. He explains to her about the God and the Devil and how they made a deal. They cannot come in direct contact with humans. But the line is being crossed. Demons are trying to enter the earth and the only way to stop is through Angelia. Her sister’s death seems to tie into the answer of stopping the Demons.
Reeves is his usual self, being completely monotone throughout the whole film. He is somewhat tolerable with is attitude as Constantine, but never fully adapts to his character. But that is just stating the obvious. There is some hidden romance between Reeves and Weisz that Lawrence uses to make the film more interesting. He doesn't over do it with the romance with a Hollywood cliché ending. He stays focus with the story and about how Constantine's character changes from the events that happen.

Churchgoers will take offense to this film. It has controversial dialogue and could show different views on heaven and hell. But the film does show creative style with its depiction on the after life. I liked what I saw but I wanted more.

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