Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hide and Seek

Endings Kill
** Stars
Direction has never been any easy thing, especially with horror movies. You never know what twists and turns you might use to frighten the audience. Hide and Seek had great potential, but the last 20 minutes felt like a lynching.
Robert De Niro (giving a suprisingly solid performance) plays David Callaway, a psychiatrist whose wife predictably commits suicide 15 minutes into the film. After that, David feels that it would be best to move to a quiet place. So him and his daughter Emily (the always great Dakota Fanning), move up to a house in the middle of nowhere with about 3 neighbors. Emily is very shy and still in a state of depression after the death of her mother. She creates a friend named Charlie, an insanely person who starts to blame David for the death of Emily's mother. After crazy and disturbing acts, we realize who Charlie really is. Many think that telling the end will ruin the story but the plot gives it away anyways. Of course the serial killer is David himself, a split personality. There are situations that try to fool you but there is no point but stating the obvious, it was great until the end. The last scenes in the movie had no value and completely lacked the emotion and intensity of a psycholigical thriller.

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