Saturday, December 04, 2004

National Treasure

Starring: Nicholas Cage, Sean Bean
Directed by: John Turtletaub
Produced by: Jerry Brockheimer
*** Stars
The Twist of Fate
How does something so valuable thousands and thousands of years ago manage to be found by just a handful of people? Why are the clues on the back of The Declaration of Independence? Only the ones with the clues will know why...
From the producer who brought you Pirates of the Carribean and Bad Boys II, National Treasure is about Benjamin Gates (Cage), a treasure hunter seeking a fortune that long lives through his families generations. After finding out that the clues are on the back of the Declaration of Independence, he must find a way to get it. But when his ex-partner (Bean), wants it too, he must find a way to stop Bean from getting what could be the key to all his problems.
Although the plot can be a little ridiculous at some times, it still was immensely entertaining. Casting Cage and Bean as rival enemies is conviently reasuring to the viewers.

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