Saturday, December 11, 2004

Finding Neverland

Finding Neverland
Starring Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet
Imagination vs. Reality
***1/2 Stars
Finding Neverland discovers the beginning of Peter Pan. Johnny Depp, getting better every movie he makes, plays as the highly imaginitive Sir James Matthew Barrie, a talented playwrite who meets a young family, with a mother and 4 kids struggling to cope with the death of her husband and their father. The mother, Sylvia Llewelyn Davies, portrayed by the wonderful Kate Winslet is missing something in her life. She wants her kids to be happy but she does not know what to do. They eventually meet James Barrie in the park one day with his dog. They soon bond towards one another and Barrie seems more focused on this family than his own wife, Mary Ansell Barrie (Radha Mitchell). He is inspired to write Peter Pan based on his experiences with the kids and his love towards them.
The question in this movie is simple. Does it really matter what is real and what isn't? Just becuase it isn't real, doesn't mean you can't see your dreams come to life in your imagination. Depp, the shining star of the movie, is picture perfect, as Sir James Matthew Barrie, who wrote ne of the greatest stories of all time.

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