Monday, October 25, 2004

Team America: World Police

Team America: World Police
Starring: Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Directed by: Trey Parker
Could possibly be the funniest movie ever made...
Parker and Stone, being the offending geniuses of the world, have to be the only people in this entire world that can make a movie so funny by using puupets.
The very beginning of the movie, you meet the members of Team America: World Police, a group of action heroes ready to blow things in anyway they can. Parker actually takes a moment to develop the chraracters, that way it can mean more to you when the main character Gary, an actor who doubts himself when he is asked by the team to go undercover as a terrorist, throws up all over himself for a good 3-4 minutes.
The movie has everything you want in a wild gross out comedy. Everything from a broadway hit called "Aids", to Michael Moore blowing up Mount Rushmore, to the Film Actors Guild (F.A.G) with Alec Baldwin, and most of all, by persuading the leaders of the world to stop the empowerment of the north Korean leader Kim Jong Il by telling them that there are 3 different types of people out there: Dicks, pussies, and assholes. Kim Jong Il is and asshole who just wants to shit all over everyone else. The F.A.G's are the pussies and the Team are the dicks.
A recommendation to any movie is good, but when I tell you to get up right now and go see this movie I mean it.

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