Saturday, October 09, 2004


Starring: Julianne Moore, Dominic West, Anthony Edwards, Gary Sinise
Directed by: Joseph Ruben
I do not want to give away the ending of this movie. I could tell you and you wouldn't believe me. So if I were you, I would go watch this movie for the last hour of it. It was so freaking, it blew my mind.
After coming out of the not-so-good movie Laws of Attraction, Julianne Moore plays a mother who loses her child in a plane crash. 14 months later, she discovers that all of the memories (videos, pictures) of her boy Sean, know longer exsists. Everyone around her thinks she is crazy because her husband (Edwards) and her psychiatrist (Sinise) tell her the truth that there was no child and she was just creating a new character in her life. But Moore knows the truth. She knows that her boy is real. She finds Sean's friend Lauren's father. Lauren also died in the crash as well. But he doesn't know that he has a child. He later remembers and now the two team up to find out the truth of what happen to their children.
The movie takes about 30 minutes to get started into a great thriller. The last hour of this movie really blew me away. Are these two parents suffering from a disease? Or are they the only ones who really think that they are right and there children could still be alive? The movie has a purpose. It tells us that a mother never forgets there child. Even if they are not real.

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