Ben Stiller returns as the infamous Gaylord M. Focker from the strikingly original Meet the Parents. Focker, a male nurse who is now engaged to Pam (Polo), has finally earned the trust of her parents Jack and Dina Byrnes. Jack (De Niro), is an ex-CIA spy who is the worst of the worst when it comes to meeting the parents. Now, all of them are flying down to Miami to meet the Fockers. When they get there, they find out how insane the Focker family is. Bernie Focker (Hoffman), Gaylord's father, is an ex-lawyer who has built a shrine of Gaylord's life with all his accomplishments. Unfortunately, all the awards consist of Honorable Mentions and 9th place finishes. Roz Focker (Streisand), is a sex therapist who tries to help Jack and Dina's relationship. So there is definitely going to be mad chaos throughout the entire house. After all the troubles and all the heartbreak, Gaylord finally sees that it does not matter if him and Jack are best friends. All he cares about is Pam and that they are going to get married. The film started off slow and had a hard time getting into action. But once the Fockers showed up, the laughs started to come. The addition of Hoffman and Streisand is inspiring.